The Enlightened Self - A Description Of Your Existential Nature

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hey this is Leo for actualise org and in this episode I'm going to talk about the enlightened self otherwise known as the true self to give you a really accurate description of your existential nature this is an advanced episode that's intended to help those people who are already on the path towards enlightenment and are doing self inquiry work and I want to use the information that I want to give you here for you to cut through all the crap when you're doing self inquiry and get right to the root and find yourself as quickly as humanly possible because it's very easy to waste years and decades of your life searching for yourself somewhere out there and be totally lost in fantasies and delusions of grandeur and all sorts of mystical concepts of what you actually are and in giving you these tips you're going to develop a much stronger conceptual framework of how to do enlightenment work and this conceptual framework even though it is just conceptual and we know the danger of concepts it's still very important because if you have a weak or misguided conceptual framework when you're on this spiritual journey you're going to fail miserably and you're going to get lost in many cul-de-sacs and traps and you're going to waste a lot of your time and a lot of your energy and you're going to become very very frustrated so let's cut right to the chase so just as a quick little introduction to ground or conversation what are we really talking about here about this thing called existential nature what do you mean by existential nature Leo well basically I'm talking about what are you actually existentially what are you to most people this question doesn't even become relevant until they've gone quite far down the personal development journey because the answer that question is of course I'm I'm me I mean Lia who else could I be I mean I'm I'm this thing right here I'm standing here I'm sitting here I'm listening to you what else am i what else could I be uh so what this is called is called identification with the body and the mind if I ask you who do you believe you actually are you would say I am this body and this mind called Leo and I live in this body and when this body is going to die and this mind is in this brain is going to stop functioning then that's the end of Leo and that's what I am and I was born that way and I'm going to die that way now that's one possibility another possibility is that actually you're not a human being the first possibility was basically you being a human being the other possibility is that you're not a human being you're just a story that thing you think you are that I'm pointing to right now that's occupying space physical space in that body that's living inside the skull that thinks it's like the ghost in the machine the one that's perceiving all of reality that thing including the body that it thinks it owns what if that was just a story what if that was a belief that was fed into your knowledge graph from such a young age that you never questioned it you were literally indoctrinated with it to such a degree that you can't even fathom the possibility of it being false that's a second possibility now what I would suggest to you as an empirical statement an empirical claim a fact is that you can actually demonstrate that the second option is is true and that the first one is false so what you are is you're actually not a human being that's something you falsely identified yourself with in the same sense that imagine that an insane person instead of believing that he was his body he believed that he was the coffee table for whatever silly reason he just believed he really believed like no I'm the coffee table don't hurt my coffee table you're gonna hurt me if that coffee table is destroyed I'm gonna die seems kind of silly no why would he do that well you could just imagine something's wrong in his mind right he's very confused very confused he thinks he's a coffee table the man who thought he was a coffee table that could be like the title of a book um so just yeah just a little thought experiment for you right so if we came up to that person we said hey man you're not a coffee table dude you're the body maybe you know with enough talking to him about it we could convince him that actually he's not the coffee table well what's possible is to have that same kind of discussion with you you who thinks that they are the body and to eventually have you come to the realization that you're not the body and you're not the mind and that you're something else and that you are as much the body in the mind as you are your coffee table literally I'm not just being hyperbolic here I'm not just being poetic I mean literally you are your body as much as you are the coffee table that's in your house how is that possible well go check out some of my spiritual alignment videos I have some more introductory videos that talk about all this stuff this video is more advanced it's just for the people already on board with me here and now they need some tips for how to really go far with their self inquiry so if you did watch my earlier introductory videos which explain this stuff in a lot of depth for you newbies then what you've heard is you've heard me talk about the no self this idea that this self dispersed '''l self that I think that I am this leo this entity called Leo where is this entity well the no self concept tells you that the self doesn't really exist it doesn't exist there's no such thing as a Leo it's not real it's an illusion that's what no self means but it's very easy to misinterpret what no self means even for people who have been doing self inquiry for a long time so what I want to do here is I want to clear up this misconception what does no self really mean well this is a concept that comes from Buddhism in Buddhism they call it anata anata this is the no self it's important to get this subtle point clear here when I say no self I don't mean that there is no self at all that you don't exist that's not really what I mean sometimes it comes off that way what I really mean is that the personal separate self that you think you are this ego the thing that has a name this thing we call Leo or whatever your name is that that thing is an illusion but there is still a self which is radically different from this self that you currently think you are which is not the body not the mind and not some kind of ghost but something very very different this is called in various books and traditions they call it by different names they call it the true self the higher self versus the lower self so there's this kind of distinction that's made you know false versus true self lower syllabuses higher self they make a distinction in the Hindu traditions of atman and brahman they make a distinction also sometimes if like the small self and the big self they also make the distinction sometimes of the self spelled with a lowercase s and then the self spelled with a capital K s like the big self so what we're going to talk about here is we're going to talk about not so much the little self the little self is an illusion that you can break but then when you break that illusion you get to the true self the higher self what is really that because that's actually what you are that's your existential nature the trick though is that it's very difficult to talk about this because this thing is so paradoxical and so counterintuitive and cannot be grasped by the mind so we are going to make our best attempt you in fact do exist you exist not as a human being and not as a personal entity but you exist as nothingness you might think like well if I exist as nothingness that means I don't exist no this is a radical thing I'm asking you to consider consider and imagine the following that you in fact do exist but you exist as nothingness now you might say well leo nothingness doesn't exist no consider the possibility that nothingness does exist not only does it exist it's the only permanent thing that exists has it ever occurred to you that everything in your surroundings is changing all the sensations and phenomena and experiences of life are always constantly changing colors are changing sounds are changing feelings emotions thoughts are changing all the time even your body is changing your body is not what it was ten or twenty years ago so if everything is changing you got to wonder what's the only thing that doesn't change is there such a thing turns out that there is although it's not a thing it's not a thing nothingness not a thing kind of mind-bending I'm going to continue talking about it as we go on here I'm gonna give you some really clinical descriptions of what this nothingness really is this true self but before we go there I just want to give you a practical tip about how you're doing your self inquiry so hopefully you have a habit of doing self inquiry every day or every other day whatever while you're doing it self inquiry can also sometimes be called self observation I sometimes refer to it as consciousness work enlightenment work all these terms are synonymous in my mind even meditation although meditation is different a little bit from self inquiry it could still be classified as part of this process so when you're doing any of this self inquiry work if you're hung up on this idea that there there is no self and the self doesn't exist you might be sitting down and and trying to prove to the self doesn't exist that can be helpful but what I would suggest to you is if you've been doing that for a while for a few months stop doing that instead drop this whole notion of no self that you don't exist and now start looking for the true self so your attitude should be okay I exist I'm just not clear as to what I actually am what am i if I'm not the human body or the mind or any of the sensations that I'm experiencing what could I then be and then investigate that question really deeply and really self honestly what could I really be if I'm mistaken that I'm the human body could it be possible that you're just mistaken just like that man who identified himself with the coffee table he was just mistaken could it be possible that you're equally mistaken now this doesn't mean that you don't exist it simply means that you could be something radically different than you presently think you are requires radical open-mindedness because as it turns out the thing that you actually are the true self is so different from anything you've ever experienced in life that you just simply assume it's not possible it would never even occur to you in a million years that this could be possible so your job is to sit down and start to look and my job is to help to kind of convince you that there's something worth looking for so let's talk now about what this something is I want to give you a description of the true self now this is a dangerous thing to do because once I describe the true self your mind is now going to have more ideas and concepts and I fantasies about what you are and this can distract you and can get you really lost because we're going to try to do is are going to try to go find that thing that I told you about when actually that thing I told you about is just an image in your mind and not the thing you're really seeking so you got to be very careful there but the reason I think if there's value in talking about this you know some teachers don't even talk about this it's really difficult to get in really enlightened teachers to even talk about this stuff because in their mind is just going to confuse you but I think that it's worth talking about because firstly it can get you motivated to do this this seeking which is important a lot of you lack the motivation secondly I think there's a greater danger of not talking about it because if I don't at least give you some hints as to what the true self is you're going to be so clueless that when you get on this journey even if you decide to get on this journey you're going to sit down and do that self inquiry work and what you're going to discover is that you have all these fantasies about what this true self could possibly be and they're going to be so wrong just so wrong not even in the same ballpark of where you should be looking that you're going to spend the next decade or two of your life chasing your tail around in circles and you're not going to make any real serious progress and there are many people in spiritual practices that do just this so I want to help you to minimize that now does this mean you're still not going to get lost no you're still going to get lost you're going to get lost in lots of concepts but hopefully we can reduce that being lost from a couple of decades to just a couple of years which will be a big savings for you so here we go what is the true self this is the best description that I found and I've studied many different descriptions for many different traditions for me this one's been the most helpful I think it's the most practical and the most useful because it gives you something to to help you ground yourself inquiry work the true self is pure transparent empty awareness pure transparent empty awareness this is what you are existentially you are not a human being you are not software in the mind you are not neuron activity you are not made of atoms what you actually are is this empty awareness there are many different terms that are synonymous with empty awareness consciousness is another term we can use here that's identical to it another way people describe it as presence presence and a really popular term is spirit that's where we get the word spiritual spirit is an interesting word because spirit derives from the old ancient languages Greek Latin and Hebrew languages and what it means in those languages is this is a definition is it means either breath air or wind and this is what you actually are you are not an object you are not a thing what you are is you're sort of like empty space empty space is what allows stuff to exist in the first place you need empty space so that stuff can occupy it and then all the stuff that occupies this empty space that's the stuff we know everyday stuff you know trees tables cars people so on and so forth colors sensations emotions there's a lot of different stuff both kind of rock solid material stuff you know like a car it's a physical object but also we have immaterial objects such as an emotion or a thought these are still kind of objects and they're occurring within space but actually it's even more radical than this they're not just occurring within space they're occurring within awareness they're occurring within you what you are is not something that's inside of space you are what contains space and time and everything else you are sort of the container that's what we mean by pure transparent empty awareness there are many interesting features to this awareness that are super counter intuitive and very mind-boggling and quite frankly unbelievable it sounds like science fiction it sounds like hocus pocus religious stuff but let me assure you that it's not it's something you can become directly conscious of this awareness that you are is a really interesting thing it's transparent and it's empty in the same way here's a really good analogy is if you take a cup like a mug in your coffee cup and instead of defining the cup as the object the matter that it's made up of let's say we define the cup as the gap between the walls of the cup that's really the essence of a cup the essence of a cup is to hold liquid now to do that it has to have this kind of like emptiness to it well the essence of awareness is to hold experience and all of reality everything you experience is experienced within this empty awareness there needs to be a space for it to occur in so to speak space is not identical to awareness but it gives you a little taste of it so what I'm actually talking about here is imagine that one day you woke up and instead of believing that you're the human body that you presently think you are you just realize one day like oh I am actually space itself think about how mind-blowing of a paradigm shift that would be for you your whole world would be turned upside down imagine right now you're not the body but you're just empty physical space how can this be that's so weird and yet as weird as that is the reality is even weirder you're not actually empty space you're emptier is an empty space you are nothing zero absolute zero that's what reality is composed of that's the source of reality this absolute zero is a very tricky thing very very tricky and I want to explain some of the features of this absolute zero you know one thing that really sticks in my mind is uh I was at a consciousness retreat about a year ago during the summer and I had the good fortune of sitting across from a man who just became enlightened he became enlightened right there not in front of my eyes but he became enlightened like a couple hours before and so the enlightenment was still fresh for him and so he was sitting there and I was his partner and what we were doing we were doing a formal exercise his job was to communicate to me what enlightenment is from his direct experience now that he experienced it so this was not just a formal chitchat that I was having with that I was sitting there and I was sitting there for several hours throughout the course of this workshop listening to him explain this and some of his descriptions were really haunting and beautiful and profound and also helped me personally to ground myself in this work because until I heard some of his descriptions I was kind of all over the place and I had all these fantastical ideas about the no-self and nothingness and this and this net uhm which are all nonsense but his descriptions were really helpful for me so here's some of the stuff he told me and his instruction was to actually close his eyes and to to feel and to become aware to get into like direct contact right now with what he actually is and then to just report it to me as scientifically and clinically as he could and this guy was really good with language he was really precise so some of the stuff he told me went like this he would close his eyes he would go inside and he would spend 30 seconds getting a sense of himself and then he would open his eyes and you would say I am pure presence just this rock-solid presence this empty transparent presence this eternal presence it's just there I get this image in my mind of a of a giant heavy black bowling ball this rock solid object and this presence that I am is like that it's more solid than a granite black bowling ball you can't shake it it doesn't move it doesn't change it's just there it's so empty it doesn't draw any attention to itself all the attention goes to the stuff that's occurring within it all the sensations and experiences that I'm having these are all grounded and rooted in my presence this rock solid presence it's completely unshakable and he just went on and on with these kinds of descriptions which was really amazing one of the most poignant things I remember him telling me was this this point about what this awareness is and what it's designed to do is it's designed to shine light so to speak metaphorically this just metaphor to shine light on everything else this presence is so humble that it just quietly sits in the background and it reveals everything else except itself and therefore it's kind of hidden and it goes unnoticed it's not really hidden but it appears to be hidden because think about this to actually become aware of something you kind of have to shine the light of awareness on it in the same way they've a flashlight you take a flashlight in the dark and you shine it on an object that object becomes visible but the flashlight itself it's difficult to get the flashlight itself to shine light on itself because that's really not its function its function is to just give itself completely away to the surrounding environment so if we ever ask ourselves what is the flashlight really I want to get a good look at a flashlight in the dark how would we do that that would be difficult because most flashlights are not flexible enough to turn it on themselves see and this is really what's going on when you're looking in the self inquiry process when you're looking for your true self is your like that flashlight that's trying to look in on itself but you can't because you're too rigid see the mind is not flexible enough to be able to be aware of awareness awareness has to become aware of awareness and what is this awareness this awareness is complete nothingness it's zero it's just a blank it's blank err than a blank how do you become aware of a blank of zero how do you come aware of something that's transparent and empty and has no form in no shape and no location now you start to appreciate the difficulty of what we're doing here with self inquiry we're being asked to do something that almost seems impossible to the rational mind this is impossible yet there's something outside the rational mind namely nothingness which can do it I think the most profound thing that I've ever learned in all of my life is that nothingness exists and I have it actually direct experiences yet but I learned that at least there is the possibility my mind is open to the possibility that nothingness can exist it's not the case that nothingness doesn't exist it's the case that nothingness does in fact you might say it's the only thing that truly exists it's the thing that grounds somethingness something this is grounded in nothingness this nothing is identical to this transparent awareness I've been talking about now what are some features of this awareness it has no shape it has no form it has no physical location it has no dimensional component within time its eternal it doesn't change it doesn't move it doesn't get destroyed or created that's what eternal means it's outside of time time occurs within it it's also infinite which means that not only is it nothing it's everything the nothingness is so total and complete that nothingness goes full circle and flips back around into everythingness and that's the paradox of enlightenment and that's why the mind can't grasp this stuff because this stuff is literally ungraspable to the human mind the analogy I like to use is think of space-time you know Einstein came up with space-time and he said that really we're living in a four-dimensional universe and we have the XYZ dimensions but then also we have dimension of times of space-time and then gravity warps this space-time that's what general relativity tells us and that you know every object that has mass creates sort of a depression a dip in the fabric of space-time and then what they discovered astrophysicists as they started studying the you know the outer reaches the university discover stuff called black holes and then black holes what is that that's just an object that's so supermassive that it creates this dip in the fabric of space-time that's so deep that ultimately it tears a hole a singularity a little tiny hole completely through the fabric and we don't even know what the hell goes on inside of it lots of speculation and theories but we've never really been able to verify through experiments you have what's inside and where does it lead and how does it even work how is even possible seems completely absurd that you could have a rip or a hole in space-time and yet um that's what black holes are this is almost analogous to what you are X essentially you are like that black hole because if you sit down and sort of question what is existence what is non-existence eventually what starts to happen at the rational mind and all your thoughts about existence don't do that they just sort of crumble in on themselves truth crumbles in on itself just to such a degree that just like a hole is torn through your psyche and this hole leads to nothingness and it also leads to infinity it leads to the source of all reality which is a mind-blowing beautiful and profound if you have enough courage to open your mind to this because the ego is very frightened by this possibility very very frightened so this this nothingness is what you are I've personally experienced this awareness it's kinda like a field of awareness to me it's almost like when I experienced it when I had my little short enlightenment experience it felt like like the entire world is encased in glass and I am the glass that the whole world is encased in it's like omnipresence you feel omnipresent you feel like God not in the sense that you can see what other people see you can't see through the people's eyes so don't get that illusion all you see is what's in front of you right now and you recognize that that's all there is there's nothing else but what's in front of you right now but also you recognize that you're not really the things that are being seen you're this empty vacuum within which all this stuff is occuring and this vacuum it's not like this dead lifeless vacuum it feels like a like this bright alive vacuum it feels like a vacuum that's just like um I like to describe it as a three-dimensional camera you know a traditional camera has a point in a cone that kind of shoots out kind of looks like a pyramid and that's kind of how we think we are we think like we're this cone looking at it the world actually what you discovers that you're not a cone at all what you are is you're an infinite field like a imagine a camera nationally camera sense I know how this could be possible but imagine someone created a camera sensor that's not just like like this flat piece of chip on which the the image is rendered but it exists in all three dimensions and it's infinitely large that's what you are and of course it has no shape has no location has no color has no feelings has no emotions it cannot be sensed you cannot even experience it because experience presumes and experiencer and there really isn't one or you could say the experiencer is this awareness but this awareness is not an object see not only can you not see it or feel it or sense it you can't even think about it and this is where the danger comes in because everything I'm telling you is just thoughts and ideas just believes but you cannot think of nothingness try try thinking of nothingness anything you think of is not it all your ideas of nothingness are not nothingness see this is why so slippery and so difficult what's also weird about this whole thing is that this self this empty field of awareness it's not separate from objects so the way I've been describing up to now it seemed kind of like well okay so there's just like transparent field within which everything is happening yes in a sense but also in other sense it's not separate this field is not separate from what you're currently experiencing and all the objects that you know and love right now as you're sitting here listening to me these sounds that you're hearing and if you're looking at me or if you're looking at objects around you in the world all of that right there is happening within nothingness it's encased in this infinite field of nothingness this pure empty awareness and if you want you can train your mind to actually focus in on that with the eventual conclusion that you will actually break through and you will become aware of awareness itself right now in your life unless you've had an enlightenment experience awareness has never become aware of itself yet right now awareness thinks that it's a human body living inside the skull this thing you call you but imagine that's not the case imagine that you're not a thing that's the hardest part about this whole thing is that you're not a thing and our minds can only work with things have you noticed that nothing that you've ever thought of in your entire life or experienced has not been a thing cars trees people are all things but even ideas mathematical ideas philosophical ideas colors sounds tastes these we can also call things they're just more like immaterial they're more like ethereal things they're still things and your mind can deal with abstract ethereal things what your mind can't deal with is nothing can't do it not possible which is why it's not possible to think your way into enlightenment and which is why it's not possible to conceptualize enlightenment you cannot get a mental preview of enlightenment not really you can just get stories and ideas and fantasies and all of them are ultimately false you have to be wise enough to to intuit that you have to be you have to be so wise not to get trapped up in all this conceptualizing business so wise if the read between the lines very very every move you make every thought you have is just there to trick you because it's not what you're looking for it's not nothing is so how do you find yourself well the paradoxical thing is that you're not hidden one big trap that I fell into and I still fall into as I do self inquiry I'm continuing to do this process is uh you try to look for yourself as some kind of hidden thing it's like well where is this nothing let me find this nothingness it's kind of like you're looking for an easter egg it's like what is this nothingness let me go find it or like maybe I'm this energy I'm like a ball of energy or like a field of energy maybe I'm this like thing that lives inside my head let me go find it let me look inside where am I am i this am i that am I located in space if I'm not in the skull maybe I'm in the chest or maybe my mind throat or maybe I am I am out there somewhere somewhere right here in front of me maybe I'm here you play this game for a long long time and the problem is you can't win this game you'll never find yourself because you're not located anywhere the human mind is addicted to objects and it's addicted to space and visual imagery so whenever we talk about something you have an image of it you think it has a location a shape you give it some kind of shape even if we're talking about something abstract I can talk about the number two and the only way you can make sense of the number two is because you have some kind of mental image of what two means to you maybe have an image of two dots or image of a number two like this or something like that to cats whatever you somehow represent the number two you know in a very tangible way in your mind it's like an image it's an idea but see this doesn't fly with enlightenment you can't do this with enlightenment can't any idea you have of enlightenment isn't it how do you get to it quite challenging the only way is through some kind of process like self inquiry or some really deep meditation work so that's my description of the true self that's what you are be careful not to take this dogmatically be careful not to turn this into just another belief it does no good for you to believe me it does no good for you to go and tell your friends about all this or your parents it does no good to sit down and tell yourself oh now I know what I am somehow this this idea that I'm nothing this is now going to help my life it doesn't help you at all in fact now what I've done is I've introduced to you ah a potential trap that you can fall into which is thinking that you know what you are so what do you do about all this well step number one is you must do the work all this conversation is pointless you have to sit down and do the self inquiry work so commit to doing that develop a habit maybe once every day for 30 to 60 minutes you sit down you do this that's what I do you can do it for longer maybe carve out a whole week where you sit down for eight hours a day and do nothing but this if you're really serious alright so stick to that habit and just keep in mind that what I told you here was designed to help eliminate cul-de-sacs and dead ends and your self inquiry so let me quickly recap the dead ends that I want you to avoid firstly stop for objects you are not an object you will not find yourself as an object any idea you have an above an object you will not find that that's not you so get that out of your mind right now secondly stop trying to see or feel yourself you cannot see or feel yourself stop trying to experience yourself you cannot experience yourself because you are not an experience you are the thing within which experience occurs that'll save you a lot of time you can do that thirdly stop trying to locate yourself am i here am i in here am I here am i out there somewhere that's all spatial thinking that's mind activity recognize it for what it is and remember that that's not what you are you are not located you are the thing that allows location to even be a possibility a location really occurs within you so to speak fourthly open yourself to the possibility that you're not a human being for me personally this was very important in fact when I have my enlightenment experience this is one of the things that broke me through is that I actually had this kind of little epiphany moment come up and I recognize like wait a minute this whole idea that I'm a human being who told me so why do I believe that it's just a stupid belief it's just a story story that's been fed into my mind but my parents and by everybody else around me in life and I never occurred to me even to question it why would I be a human being why like why would I even think that it's stupid it's really stupid if you sit down and look at it it's really [ __ ] stupid you're not a human being your reality itself so it helps to sit down and really think about that to generate a lot of doubt because as long as you're fully identified with this human body here man you can't do a proper self inquiry you're so stuck with this identification that nothing you consider is taken seriously by your mind you have to reach a point of like oh maybe I'm not this Oh what what the [ __ ] how could that be who could I be then who could I be that's the point you want to reach that's where true self inquiry begins until then you're just doing mental masturbation also open yourself to the possibility that you are not an object this is really hard to do because even if you think like well okay maybe I'm not the body maybe I'm some energy spirit thing I have some kind of aura or I'm a software in the mine or whatever you're still thinking of yourself fundamentally as objects see you're just substituting one object for another object what's really radical is to say maybe I'm not even any of that maybe I'm in a completely different domain from objects what could that domain even be cuz all I know is objects there's no other domain I've ever experienced how do I access this new domain I have no idea good now you're exactly where you need to be keep going down that road and lastly just remember that nothing is hidden this has been very helpful for me because sometimes I sit down and it's like it feels like I'm looking for something you know some secret Easter Egg where is it and then I remember all wait a minute nothing is hidden this thing I'm looking for myself me this empty field of awareness it's here right now right now as I'm talking to you it's here right here I'm talking about it right now it's occurring right now it can never not occur it doesn't matter whether you're in a meditative state you're having a good day a bad day whether your mom died or whether you lost your foot in a car accident it doesn't matter in all those situations you're still there the is still there the is always there it was there before you were born it'll be there when you die when your body dies that's how permanent it is but it feels kind of hidden because it's very humble this thing is very humble it doesn't draw a lot of attention to itself and your mind is filled with so many delusions about it so many fantasies and ideas that you really have to let all that stuff go through a gradual purging process which is what self inquiry is designed to do so when you get lost and you think something is hidden just remember it's right there in front of your nose your it always and especially right now that's it go ahead please click the like button for me post your comments down below share this episode with friend and lastly come check out actualize that org this is my website I just released a forum for you guys I wanted a resource that would really help you to self actualize and take your development to the next level the forum isn't for me it's for you it's your sandbox you can come in there we've already got over a thousand people there people who are really interested in self-actualization who really value it these kind of people can be hard to find but you can find those forum you can get advice and tips and techniques for how to improve your meditations how to do better self inquiry all this enlightenment stuff can be discussed there we have great discussions about it there sometimes I post answers there you can also discuss more mundane things like how do you get a better career how do you become more successful and more money dating advice all this kind of stuff you can discuss it there as well so I'm really excited about the potential of this forum so come check it out and sign up to the actual Azeroth newsletter it's free newsletter keeps you up-to-date keeps you on track what I can promise you is that if you watch bi-weekly videos you listen to what I tell you and you do this for a course of a couple of years your entire perspective on life is going to transform in an amazing radical way ways you wouldn't have imagined possible and this will enable you to get that kind of fulfillment that you want from life that otherwise you will not be able to get and it will also allow you to reach levels of success that you thought were impossible for you it's all right here it all really requires is just kind of like a weekly commitment just you know watch one per week watch a couple hundred of them over the next couple years you'll hear stuff here that you won't hear anywhere else my approach to personal development is very deep alright I want to take you to the root of all your issues and neuroses and problems in life not just the surface stuff but really to the to the root and that's going to be mind-blowing for you when you taste some of the stuff that I talk about for yourself I'm really excited about it so sign up stay tuned and I'll see you soon you